The kick-off partner meeting for the project "AGREEN" was held online Featured

24 June 2020 News 1402 Views
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Today, 24th of June 2020, the start of the AGREEN project was officially launched by the kick-off meeting of the project consortium. It was very important to start as soon as possible and engage the project partners from 6 countries with the common goal so we decided that the meeting will be held online. All the organizations involved in the project were presenting and we at DABS are proud to be leading partner of these experienced consortium and to launch this initiative towards the improvement of the future of Black Sea Basin.

We started with presentation of the partners’ organizations sharing the background and experience and the key areas where each partner will be most beneficial. A project management unit was set representing the project Steering and Evaluation Committee that will ensure the sound management and implementation of the initiative. Further, communication and exchange channels and mechanisms were outline within the project consortium. Administrative and financial management, reporting and processing of the project documentation were also a subject of discussion during the meeting.

The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world was also a topic that was discussed. The project partners will need to adapt the planned activities under the project in accordance with the current developments and restrictions related to the pandemic.


Our next task is to prepare and adopt a set of project documents and plans that will ensure the effectiveness and consistency of the project management throw-out the project implementation and dissemination.

The project is implemented between 1.06.2020 and 30.11.2022 with the support of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 and a budget of 799 279,60 Euro.