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The future is rural: the social objectives of the next CAP

21 February 2019 News 2454 Views

Rural areas make up 44% to 80% of every EU country. These diverse territories play home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, wonderful wildlife and natural environments. They provide food and resources that contribute to jobs, growth and prosperity, and help to maintain cultural heritage. Rural areas are truly at the heart of Europe.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure the vitality of rural areas: strengthening rural value chains and local production networks; supporting young farmers and women in agriculture; preserving and protecting our natural resources; and boosting rural innovation and digitisation.

The future common agricultural policy (CAP) will play a fundamental role in addressing these issues by helping Member States prioritise and support vibrant rural life and the development of a modern, sustainable and inclusive agricultural sector.


#EUPollinators: Commission brings attention to the importance of pollinating insects for humanity ahead of 20 May, International Bee Day

25 March 2019 News 1996 Views

With the first day of spring, the European Commission is launching a major communication effort to raise awareness about the decline of wild pollinators, showing how their disappearance would impact our lives, and what everybody can do to help. Raising awareness and engaging society on this issue is part of the first EU Pollinators Initiative adopted in June 2018, which aims to address the decline of wild pollinators in a more targeted and coordinated way across different sectors and policies.

EU Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Karmenu Vella said: “Our quality of life – and our future – depends on the many services that nature provides for free. Pollination is one of these invisible, but invaluable services, so it is very worrying to learn that some of our top pollinators are at high risk! If we don’t address the reasons behind the decline in wild pollinators, and act urgently to stop it, we and our future generations will pay a very heavy price indeed.”

The communication activities will run in the next two years, creating opportunities for public authorities, researchers, farmers, businesses, and individual citizens to engage in the protection of pollinators.


Insect pollination is a vital driving force, essential for plant reproduction, our supply of healthy food and around € 15 billion worth of the EU’s annual agricultural production. In Europe, most pollinators are insects such as bees, hoverflies, butterflies, moths, some wasps and beetles. Bees are the most prominent group, with about 2000 wild species. Wild pollinators are in strong decline. One in ten bee and butterfly species in Europe is on the verge of extinction. To address this decline, the European Commission adopted in June 2018 the first ever EU Pollinators Initiative. It proposes actions to improve knowledge of pollinator decline, its causes and consequences, to tackle the causes of their decline and to raise awareness, engage society and promote collaboration on the issue.

Training on Soft Skills Assessment and Labor Mobility Support Initiative

22 October 2018 News 1670 Views

During the period 16-19 October 2018 Association “Dobrudja Agro and Business School” (DABS) performed training on Soft Skills Assessment and Labor Mobility Support Initiative for the restaurant and culinary business in the cross-border area. 25 students between 16 and 18 years of age from the Professional high school for tourism “P.K. Yavorov” – Dobrich took part in the training. Lecturers were prof. Dimitrina Kamenova, Ms. Diana Valchanova and Ms. Irena Bairova. The main topics of the event were “Relations with the guest and customer’s profile”, “Cultural awareness, history and culinary traditions in the cross-border area”, “Labor market”, “Presentation skills”, “Digital skills”, “Assessment of soft skills required for culinary sector”. The training was implemented within the framework of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS) – a joint initiative with Association “Choose Your Profession” - Center for Vocational Training, Constanta, Romania.

The project is implemented under the INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Program, Priority Axis 4: Qualified and Associated Region. The main objective of the project is to facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant/culinary business in the RO-BG cross border (CB) area through joint skill-building and employment mobility support services.


Second training in Soft Skills was held in Dobrich

01 October 2018 News 1472 Views

During the period 25-28 September 2018 Association “Dobrudja Agro and Business School” (DABS) performed training on Soft Skills Assessment and Labor Mobility Support Initiative for the restaurant and culinary business in the cross-border area. 25 students between 16 and 18 years of age from the Professional Agrarian High School „Todor Rachinski“- General Toshevo took part in the training. Lecturers were prof. Dimitrina Kamenova, Mr. Pavel Radev and Ms. Irena Bairova. The main topics of the event were “Relations with the guest and customer’s profile”, “Cultural awareness, history and culinary traditions in the cross-border area”, “Labor market”, “Presentation skills”, “Digital skills”, “Assessment of soft skills required for culinary sector”. The training was implemented within the framework of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS) – a joint initiative with Association “Choose Your Profession” - Center for Vocational Training, Constanta, Romania.

The project is implemented under the INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Program, Priority Axis 4: Qualified and Associated Region.The main objective of the project is to facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant/culinary business in the RO-BG cross border (CB) area through joint skill-building and employment mobility support services.nd employment mobility support services.


Implementation of Soft Skills Assessment and Labor Mobility Support Initiative for the restaurant and culinary business in the CB area

01 July 2018 News 1566 Views

In the period 25-28 June 2018 Association “Dobrudja Agro and Business School” (DABS) performed training on Soft Skills Assessment and Labor Mobility Support Initiative for the restaurant and culinary business in the cross-border area.

25 students between 16 and 18 years of age from the Professional high school for tourism “P.K. Yavorov” – Dobrich and Private professional high school for tourism and entrepreneurship “Rayko Tzonchev”- Dobrich took part in the training. Lecturers were prof. Dimitrina Kamenova, Mr. Pavel Radev and Ms. Irena Bairova.

The main topics of the event were “Relations with the guest and customer’s profile”, “Cultural awareness, history and culinary traditions in the cross-border area”, “Labor market”, “Presentation skills”, “Digital skills”, “Assessment of soft skills required for culinary sector”. The training was implemented within the framework of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS) – a joint initiative with Association “Choose Your Profession” - Center for Vocational Training, Constanta, Romania.

The project is implemented under the INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria Program, Priority Axis 4: Qualified and Associated Region. The main objective of the project is to facilitate labor mobility in the restaurant/culinary business in the RO-BG cross border (CB) area through joint skill-building and employment mobility support services.


The cycle of events for identification of the soft skills needed in the restaurant bussiness ended with the last seminar

28 February 2018 News 1430 Views

The third of three events dedicated to the soft skills of restaurant and culinary business personnel took place on 26 and 27 February 2018. During the seminar the participants were acquainted with the objectives and activities of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS). The event objective is to identify the employers’ requirements toward the soft skills their perfect employee shall possess. To that aim was presented a lecture “Individual skills necessary in the restaurant sector”. During the second day of the seminar took place the study, i.e. fulfillment of especially developed questionnaires. The basic qualities the employers require from both sides of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region were summarized. A culinary demonstration performed by students and teachers of “Culinary Arts Institute” in Varna contributed for the successful implementation of the event.


Second event for identification of the soft skills for the culinary bussiness was held

26 February 2018 News 1474 Views

The second of three events dedicated to the soft skills of restaurant and culinary business personnel took place on 22 and 23 February 2018. During the seminar the participants were acquainted with the objectives and activities of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS).

The event objective is to identify the employers’ requirements toward the soft skills their perfect employee shall possess. To that aim was presented a lecture “Individual skills necessary in the restaurant sector”. During the second day of the seminar took place the study, i.e. fulfillment of especially developed questionnaires. The basic qualities the employers require from both sides of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region were summarized. A culinary demonstration performed by students and teachers of “Culinary Arts Institute” in Varna contributed for the successful implementation of the event.



22 February 2018 News 1541 Views

The first of three events dedicated to the soft skills of restaurant and culinary business personnel took place on 20 and 21 February 2018. During the seminar the participants were acquainted with the objectives and activities of “Integrated culinary arts and restaurant sector employment solutions for a skilled and inclusive Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region” Project (ICARUS).

The event objective is to identify the employers’ requirements toward the soft skills their perfect employee shall possess. To that aim was presented a lecture “Individual skills necessary in the restaurant sector”. During the second day of the seminar took place the study, i.e. fulfillment of especially developed questionnaires. The basic qualities the employers require from both sides of Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region were summarized. A culinary demonstration performed by students and teachers of “Culinary Arts Institute” in Varna contributed for the successful implementation of the event.




Second meeting of the experts in ICARUS project was held in Dobrich

22 January 2018 News 1684 Views

Second working meeting of the project team members and the experts responsible for the elaboration on Assessment report II, Good practices Compendium and the Regional action - 20.01.2018 Dobrich, Bulgaria.


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